




Savings Accounts

Savings Accounts

You have your reasons for wanting to save money. We have the right savings account to help you get where you need to be.

Basic Savings

No matter what your motivation for saving — emergency fund, new car, dream vacation, down payment for a new home — our Basic Savings account gives you what you need to reach your financial goals. It offers a competitive rate that is compounded and paid to the account quarterly. There is no minumum daily balance required so there are no service fees. A limit of six transfers or withdrawals per month is allowed.*

See Rates

* Each additional transfer or withdrawal incurs a per-debit fee of $3.00.


It’s never too early (or too late) to plan for retirement. An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is an investment account with tax benefits that help you save for the future

We offer competitive-rate IRA Certificates of Deposit, with maturities from 3 to 60 months, or an easy-access IRA Savings account. Consult with your tax advisor regarding the tax advantages of an IRA.

See Rates

For more information on Individual Retirement Accounts, please visit or contact a First Westroads Bank Personal Banker at (402) 330-7200.

Certificates of Deposit

With our Certificates of Deposit, your money has real earning power — and the longer it sits, the more it earns. Much more. We offer a wide variety of maturities, from 3 to 60 months (federal regulations require a penalty for early withdrawal).

See Rates

Contact a personal banker at (402) 330-7200 for preferred rates on Certificates with initial deposits of $100,000 or more.