Technology Upgrade
Join us on this journey of growth and modernization!
For support, please call us at 402-884-1016 or send us a message via our Contact Form.

First Time Login and New Mobile Apps!
Our Technology Upgrades are complete! Please enjoy our new Online Banking beginning on Monday, October 28th. Your username will remain the same, but you will use a temporary password that is the last 6 digits of your SSN or your primary business’s EIN.
New Mobile Apps are also available at the links below to your respective app store. Doanload the new app and delete your old app from your phone. Please follow the same login process as listed above when logging in for the first time.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team.
Debit Cards have been Mailed!
Be on the lookout for your New First Westroads Bank Debit Cards. These cards can be activated on Saturday, October 26th beginning at 5pm. Be sure to take note of any merchants you have setup with your current cards as these will not transfer during this upgrade. A guide on how to view these merchants is linked below.

Online BillPay
Online BillPay will be unavailable starting on October 18th. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our dedicated Technology Support Team at 402-884-1016.
Technology Upgrade Guide
Our Technology Upgrade Guide is now available! Click the box below to be taken to our guide on everything that will be happening during this upgrade!

A letter from our Chairman
Exciting upgrades are coming to First Westroads Bank, and we want to make sure you hear about them! Click below to read the letter from our Chairman, Chris Murphy or follow the link to confirm your contact information in our system.